Wednesday, November 11, 2009

No more Starbucks...

Ok, so that might sound like a bad dream to some people, but to me, it's great! Introducing my newly deigned studio/office!!! I'm happy to not go to a busy, crowded Starbucks/Panera Bread to meet clients anymore :) Check it out below!




5 comments, wow, I love comments! :):

Schöne Frau said...
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Krista Photography said...

ooh, so exciting! I sure wish I could paint my office too!

Jenilee said...

I love the room! just finding your blog tonight! :)

Kate said...

Gorgeous! Wow, I love the wall color, and your prints look killah :)

Melissa Coe said...

Yay! SO exciting! It was great to see you tonight and I'm so psyched for you and this great space!